UNEEG Medical
User research study into a system for people with Type 1 diabetes.

UNEEG Medical (part of the T&W Medical Group) is a medtech company based in Denmark. Founded in 2005 by Rasmus Stig Jensen and Henning Beck-Nielsen, UNEEG Medical pioneers cognitive technologies for collecting, monitoring and analysing EEG data (brain activity).
The product
One of UNEEG Medical’s areas of interest was developing a system for people with Type 1 diabetes. The purpose of the system was to give those patients, who often have difficulty feeling and responding to critically low Blood Glucose (BG) levels, an early indication of when they are at risk of a hypoglycaemic attack.
The system involves implanting an electrode behind the patient’s ear under the skin to collect brainwave signals (EEG data). Those signals are received and stored by a datalogger positioned over the electrode above the skin. The datalogger transmits data to a separate device, such as a mobile phone. After data is analysed, the patient is notified if brainwave patterns indicate that there is a risk of a hypoglycaemic attack.
What our client wanted
In late 2020, UNEEG Medical approached Bergo to run a user research study to explore patients’ opinions on three different concepts of the device.
Features under consideration were the position of the datalogger and the collection of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) data in one of the concepts.
Key objectives of the study were to determine the factors, both positive and negative, impacting on patients’ preferences for each concept, and which concept they prefer overall.
What Bergo delivered
One early consideration was to develop suitable screening criteria for recruitment to ensure participants in the study were representative of the target population. For instance, Type 1 diabetics who find it difficult to manage their blood sugar levels, have impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia, and have encountered a severe hypoglycaemic attack in the last year.
To answer the research questions set by UNEEG Medical, a mixed method approach was taken consisting of both one-to-one interviews and focus groups. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all data was collected via Zoom rather than in person.
In total, data was collected from 25 participants across the United Kingdom and Denmark. In each session, the interviewer/facilitator presented slides on each of the different concepts and then asked questions on:
- what features they liked and disliked,
- what they thought about the implant and alarm
- whether they would consider using each of the concepts
- their order of preference for each concept.
The study revealed many interesting findings on the device’s aesthetics, comfortability, ease of use and maintenance. UNEEG Medical were able to use those findings to make important decisions around further development of the system.