From time to time, we publish work in journals, books and conferences. We also like to stay up to date with latest research to provide the best quality service to our clients.

Author(s):Lange J, Richard P, Bradley N
Title:Usability of a new disposable autoinjector platform device: results of a formative study conducted with a broad user population.
Publication:Medical Devices: Evidence and Research p.255 - 264
Publication date:2015
Author(s):Lange J, Richard P, Bradley N
Title:Usability of devices for self-injection: results of a formative study on a new disposable pen injector.
Publication:Medical Devices: Evidence and Research p.195 - 203
Publication date:2014
Author(s):Wet C, Bradley N, Bowie P
Title:Significant event analysis: a comparative study of knowledge, process and attitudes in primary care
Publication: Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice
Publication date:29 Jul 2010
Author(s):De Wet C, Bradley N, Bowie P
Title:Significant event analysis: a comparative study of knowledge, process and attitudes in primary care
Publication:Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice
Publication date:29 Jul 2010
Author(s):Bowie P, Bradley, NA, Rushmer R
Title:Clinical audit and quality improvement – time for a rethink?
Publication:Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Publication date:May 2010
Author(s):Bradley NA, Power A, Hesselgreaves H, McMillan F, Bowie P.
Title:Safer pharmacy practice: a preliminary study of significant event analysis and peer feedback
Publication:International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. Pharmaceutical Press, London. p.17: 1–9. p.283-291
Publication date:2009
Author(s):Bradley NA & Bowie P
Title:Current Issues in Clinical Audit in the National Health Service: A Qualitative Exploration of the Views and Experiences of Specialist Support Staff
Publication:Quality and Safety in Health care
Publication date:2009
Author(s):McKay J, Bradley N, Lough M and Bowie P
Title:A review of significant events analysed in general medical practice: implications for the quality and safety of patient care
Publication: BMC Family Practice. p.10:61
Publication date:2009
Author(s):Bradley NA & Dunlop MD
Title:Towards a Multidisciplinary Model of ‘Context’ to Support Context-Aware Computing
Publication:Human-Computer Interaction. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. p.20(4). p.403-446.
Publication date:2005
Author(s):Bradley NA & Dunlop MD
Title:An Experimental Investigation into Wayfinding Directions for Visually Impaired People
Publication:Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. p.Vol 9 (6). p.395-403.
Publication date:2005
Book Chapter
Author(s):Bradley NA & Dunlop MD
Title:Navigation Assistive Technology: Context-aware computing
Publication:Chapter in M.A. Johnson & M. Hersh (eds.), Assistive Technology for Vision Impaired and Blind People. Springer Verlag, London.
Publication date:2008
Author(s):Bradley NA & Dunlop MD
Title:A Pathway to Independence: Wayfinding Systems which Adapt to a Visually Impaired Person’s Context
Publication:Symposium on Assistive Technology – Towards a better life, Glasgow, UK. p.p.23-27
Publication date:2003
Author(s):Bradley NA & Dunlop MD
Title:Understanding contextual interactions to design navigational context-aware applications
Publication:Mobile HCI 02, Pisa, Italy. p.p.349-354.
Publication date:2002
Author(s):Bradley NA, McLeod RW & Forrest E
Title:The Impact of Cultural Differences on the Design of Self-service Technology
Publication:Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Edinburgh, UK. p.p.29-37
Publication date:2001
Author(s):Bradley NA & Dunlop MD.
Title:Towards a User-centric and Multidisciplinary Framework for Designing Context-aware Applications
Publication:Workshop on Advanced Context Modelling, Reasoning and Management as part of the 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2004, Nottingham, England.
Publication date:2004
Author(s):Bradley NA & Dunlop MD.
Title:Investigating design issues of context-aware mobile guides for people with visual impairments
Publication:HCI in Mobile Guides Workshop at Mobile HCI 04, Glasgow.
Publication date:2004
Author(s):Bradley NA & Dunlop MD.
Title:Towards a user-centric multidisciplinary design framework for context-aware applications
Publication:UbiNet (Ubiquitous Computing Network) workshop. London.
Publication date:2003
Author(s):Bradley NA & Dunlop MD.
Title:Investigating context-aware clues to assist navigation for visually impaired people
Publication:Workshop on Building Bridges: Interdisciplinary Context-Sensitive Computing, University of Glasgow, UK. p.p.5-10.
Publication date:2002